Sunday, May 11, 2008

What I've Learned Since I Became a Mom

(This is a posting for one of the Mommyfest challenges)

I thought I had learned everything that I needed to know in College or in medical school. While I may have learned a lot about science and medicine, it took becoming a Mom for me to learn about living life.

After becoming a Mom, I there have been so many things that I learned from my daughters.

* Marveling at the workings of young minds.
* Sharing a Love for the Environment.
* Learning to Laugh More.
* Enjoying the Moment.
* Being Grateful for so many of the little things.

Having my children later in life after I'd been through school has put a different perspective on life for me. Having my girls has been one of my major life changing events.

While life is more challenging and a lot noisier and more stressful since having them, I wouldn't change what I am doing now and wouldn't trade them for anything.


Mnmom said...

Great blog! Just stopping by during MommyFest. Glad to find another peace lover!

Anonymous said...

Isn't amazing how much our kids teach us...well beyond what we could have learned in school about anything? Love your post.
-Erika (visiting from MommyFest).

Brianna said...

I know how you feel - I was an elementary school teacher for 3 years before I became a mom . . . yet I had NO idea what parenthood is all about! What a learning experience it is!

(also visiting from MommyFest)